I thought I start this new year off right. I'm going to try to do a sketch a day for the next 365 days. It's a way to get off my artistic arse and actually try to be creative this year. I will admit there will be some days there won't be a sketch, on those days I hope to post a pic of a sculpture, either completed or at least in progress. To start this off, I'm supposed to do a sculpture for a friend as a late birthday present. We have a renaissance faire that comes to our state and is open every weekend from mid-August til the end of Sept/beginning of October. She goes EVERY weekend and dresses to the nines for it. I'm making her a little critter to go into her corset for a new costume she's making. With no further ado... baby griffin cleavage critter sketch for how the sculpt will hopefully look.
Lookin' good! I should probably get started on that costume now, eh?
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